On behalf of the Management Board of Hòa Lạc HTP, Deputy Minister – Director of the Mnaamgneet Board Nguyễn Văn Lạng sent his best regards and sharings with Japanese people about losses caused by the earthquake and tsunami over the past time. Vietnamese People and Government believed that Japanese People and Government would overcome current difficulties, quickly restore and rebuid the country.
Then Deputy Director Phạm Đại Dương informed the Delegation on the current development status of Hòa Lạc HTP. The two parties also exchanged and discussed on methods to formulate macro policies to manage and encourage S&T renovation, especailly in HTPs.
On behalf of the delegation, Professor Fujikawa expressed his sincere thanks for Vietnamese people’s sentiments for Japanese people and believed that relationships between people and Government of the two country would develop better and beter. Professor Fujikawa appricaited that Vietneasem Governemtn has applied effective policies for the national S&T renovation. He believed that the Management Board would soon build Hòa Lạc HTP sucessful as a destination fo new technology investors in Vietnama and in the region.