The Signing ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement between the General Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality and Palestinian Standard Institute

Friday, 24/09/2010 08:10 GMT+7
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In the afternoon of 22/9/2010, in Hanoi took place the Signing ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement between theGeneral Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ) and Palestinian Standard Institute(PSI).

The activity of standardization, metrology and appropriateness assessment has played more and more important role in the promotion of import and export and creating favorable conditions for commercial activities. The objective of this activity has been generalized by the International Standard Organization with a slogan that “One standard, one experiment, one certification and recognition everywhere”.

The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between STAMEQ and PSI is resulted from the working, exchanging and discussing process among relevant agencies of the two parties.

Mr. Ngô Quý Việt – Director of STAMEQ emphasized that this Agreement would improve capacities and strengthen the mutual understanding among experts who work in the filed of standardization, metrology and appropriateness assessment of Vietnam as well as Palatine; promote and create favorable conditions for commercial activities between the two countries, simplify and save costs for experiment, metrology, recognition and certification activities, support import and export activities, create favorable conditions for enterprises of the two countries in the cooperation development.

Cooperation activities include that the two parties coordinate with each other in the standardization field at regional and international level; studies on the organizational structure, procedures, appropriateness assessment of each other; exchange of information, scientific data, books, magazines, articles,… in the field of standardization, metrology and appropriateness assessment; sharing of national standards, technical specifications and legal and regulatory documents relating to specific fields to create favorable conditions for commercial transactions between the two countries; sharing of information on current national metrological standards, metrological means of each other; sharing of information on experiment laboratories;…

Delivering at the Signing ceremony, Minister of Science and Technology Hoàng Văn Phong emphasized that Vietnam and Palestine have not been limited only in the field of Standards, Metrology and Quality, for the coming time the cooperation relations would be extended to many S&T fields for using in the social and economic development of each country.

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