Mr. Đặng Quang Huấn, the Chairman of MOST Trade Union together with members of the Ministry’s Trade Union and representatives of Vietnam’s General Labor Confederation, Vietnam’s Officer Trade Union met and had a working session with the Delegation. In the meeting, Mr. Đặng Quang Huấn had an overall introduction with the Delegation on establishment and development of the MOST’s Trade Union. The Union was founded in June 1959, so far there have been more than 6,000 officials, officers and staff from 42 units of three sections: State administrative management, scientific cause and enterprises. Activities of the MOST’s Trade Union have been always linked closely with development objectives and requirements as well as with the Ministry’s political tasks, contributing actively to the social and economic development. Chairman Đặng Quang Huấn expressed his desires to cooperate with trade unions under the British Trade Union Association.
On behalf of the British Trade Union Association, Mr. Keith Newson expressed his thanks for the welcome of the MOST’s Trade Union, shared challenges in the organization structure and operation of the British Trade Union Association, at the same time expressed his desires to support Vietnamese trade unions in general and MOST’s Trade Union in particular with fields of training on negotiation skills, training human resources for trade unions ….in order to establish good relations between trade unions of the two countries.