From ealry 2009, the Managemnet Board of Hòa Lạc HTP signed a contract with the Center for Supporting and Developing small and medium enteprirses on consultancy, guidelines for developing and applying the Quality Mnaagmenet Systatem accoring to TCVN ISO 9001:2008.
The Mnaagment Board has developed and issued effective policies on quality, quality objectives, one manual on quality, nine general processes under the quality managmenet system and one specilized work process of the Board including 24 professional processes according to Proposal 30 –Proposal on reforming administrative procedures. Traiining courses have been organized on Awareness and Development of Quality Managmenet Susatems (QMS) according to TCVN ISO 9001:2008; Internal review on QMS according to TCVN ISO 9001:2008, in order to help officials, officers and staff improve their knowledge on QMS, change their own ways of working, and approach with advanced managmenet methods at the same time.
The Managmenet Board said, after applying QMS, the Board has developed a process system which is synchonized, scientific and approperitate with set policies and quality objectives, basically removed complicated and burdensome procedures; procedures and time for handling documents follow in a right and adequate manner, time is shortned and favourable conditions are creted for orgnaizaitons and citizens who have transactions with the Board.
Officials, officers and labourers have significantly changed in terms of behaviors with citizens, creating a more friendly and pro-citizen administrative procedures.
Procdures relating to hanlding adminsitrative documents have been publicly announced and updated regualry in the web page of the Board. This has created conditions to bascially overcome delayed cases of handling documents; the rate of documents meeting requirements is more than 97%.
Archive and access to documents have been step-by-step carried out according to standards. Use of information technology has been promoted in the State management.
At the Ceremony of granting the Certificate, General Director of Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality said so far Vietnam has had about 1,800 administrative agencies from local to central lelve which apply QMS, only at the Central level 150 agenceis have been gratned with Certificates. In December 2010, MOST issused the plan in which all agencies in the Ministry should apply QMS. Hoa Lac HTP is the first agency in the Ministry, which is granted with Certificate of ISO (beside the Directorate). Doctor Ngô Quý Việt also hoped that the Managmenet Board of the HTP would maintain the Certificate in order to serve well for the managemnet.
Delivering some guidance at the Ceremoney, Deputy Minister Nguyễn Văn Lạng highly apreciated efforts made by officials, officers and staff of the HTP in applying QMS. The Deputy Minister said that receiving the Certificate was only the first step and the important thing was to apply and maintain it well. If it can apply well, the reputation of Hòa Lạc HTP would be affirmed and the call for investment would be better.