Cooperative Discussion on Intellectual Property and Innovation

Saturday, 22/09/2012 09:48 GMT+7
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On September 18, 2012, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), US Embassy in Vietnam and American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) coordinated to organize the Cooperative discussion with the topic “Intellectual Property and Innovation”.

Photo: The panorama of the Discussion

Attending the Discussion were Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Chu Ngọc Anh, US Ambassador David Shear and Mr. Michael Mudd, Chairman of Information Technology and Communication Committee (under AmCham) together with participants from Intellectual Property (IP) enforcing agencies in Vietnam, more than 100 representatives of Vietnamese enterprises, US enterprises and many mass media agencies.

Delivering a speech in the Discussion, Deputy Minister Chu Ngọc Anh affirmed “Values enterprises produce from their patents, technology know-how, copyrights are increasingly more than those produced from advantages in terms of materials, land, minerals, petroleum or simple labor … Laws on IP protection are foundations to develop the national innovation system and the sustainable economy. IP protection is a condition to establish a knowledge-based economy on the basis of competitive advantages of each nation in the context of deep integration into the world and regional economy”. Sharing ideas with the Deputy Minister, Mr. David Shear also said that “In the 21st century, the world economy would be led by ideas, in order to protect innovative ideas and encourage new ideas; we need to protect IP and promote the environment which encourages the innovation to strongly emerge and develop”.

Exchanging ideas relating to IP and innovation, the participants have discussed on contents relating to trends in IP protection and innovation from views of Vietnamese State management agencies and Vietnamese and US enterprises. Enterprises and IP law enforcement agencies (Inspectorate of Ministry of Science and Technology and Inspectorate of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) have had discussions on some basic contents in order to improve the enforceability of IP copyright for the coming time and cooperative relations in prevention and protection of IP copyright violations among enforcing agencies and enterprise community.

Through the discussions, it is shown that IP and innovation would have a close relation with each other. An appropriate law on IP protection and enforcement would enable innovation in enterprises, research institutes, universities, promote the commercialization of intellectual products, improve values, quality and competitiveness of products and services, contribute the sustainable development of the economy and speed up the use of S&T research results, patents, innovations into daily life and for benefits of communities.

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