(Photo: Workshop on “Opportunity for Accessing and Publishing SpringerLink Science and Technology Magazine”)
Participating in the Workshop were the NASATI’s Director Ta Ba Hung, representative of Springer Publishing House –Mr. David Elek together with some researchers from Agencies, Departments, Institutes, Universities and Centres of Ministries and branches nationwide.
The workshop was organized in order to improve the quality of Vietnam’s scientific research and technology development through strengthening the access to valuable international S&T information sources, at the same time support Vietnam’s researchers to publish their research in international magazines.
The content of the workshop was focused on introducing the access to more than 2,600 electronic magazines with about 5 million of full articles of Springer Publishing House. Especially in the Workshop Mr. David Elek presented with video conference points about famous S&T information sources in many fields as life science, health and medicine, techniques, chemistry, material science, computer science, universe and environment science, social science and humanities; methods for a Vietnamese researcher to write and post his article in magazines of Springer Publishing House.
As we know, SpringerLink is one of leading database in the world in terms of scientific, health, technology, medicine magazines as well as reference books and is the effective assess point for scientists and researchers.