The 10th Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia

Monday, 21/12/2009 14:45 GMT+7
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During two days of 15/12/2009 and 16/12/2009, the Vietnamese Delegation led by Assistant Professor, Dr. Vương Hữu Tấn, the Director of Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC) led to participate in the Senior-Official Meeting (SOM) and Ministerial...

FNCA’s member countries have sent their representatives to attend this session, including Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Japan and Vietnam.

In this Conference, ministers, senior officials and representatives from FNCA’s member countries have exchanged opinions and regional cooperation policies on development and use of nuclear techniques for peaceful purpose, for the social and economic development; reviewed the efficiency of FNCA’s projects in 2009 and approved the Resolution of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia, in which the role of atomic energy is emphasized in the Asian sustainable development.

In the 10th Ministerial Conference of FNCA, participants have listened to reports on achieved advancements in FNCA’s activities, at the same time participated in round-table discussions on key issues to which member countries have paid attention as promoting cooperation among FNCA’s member countries in order to strengthen activities of using radiation and radiation isotopes for peaceful purposes in the region; supporting countries which have intensions or plans on nuclear electricity development; studying cooperation possibilities with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); implementing the Common Statement of the 8th Ministerial Conference on the role of atomic energy for the Asian sustainable development, in which the atomic energy is considered clean energy that is able to both ensure the energy security and help reduce CO2 gas emission from glass houses, in another word atomic energy is a possible solution for the implementation of Clean Development Mechanism-CDM.

The participants have exchanged ideas on FNCA’s activities in fields of applying nuclear techniques in agriculture, health, industry as well as human resource development, discussed about FNCA’s future methodologies, in which efforts on looking for solutions are specially emphasized in order to strengthen cooperation FNCA’s member countries as developing common research projects, sharing nuclear infrastructure (as research reactors, accelerators ect.). Speeches of the Delegations’ leaders have emphasized the high consensus of all FNCA’s country members with the adoption of the Resolution of the Conference.

The Vietnamese Delegation has actively participated in all the Conference’s activities. Comments and discussions of the Vietnamese Delegation have expressed steady opinions and policies of Vietnamese Government on using atomic energy for peaceful purpose and emphasized the role of international cooperation as an important factor which has helped Vietnam successfully implement the program on atomic energy in general and nuclear electricity in particular in the future.

The Conference has agreed that China will host the organization of the 11st Ministerial Conference of FNCA in 2010.

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